Monday, September 15, 2014

Update on Untamed

I'm happy to announce that Untamed, The Awakening Series Book 3, went out for its first round of editing today! I'm going to take a couple of days off to celebrate my upcoming 4th anniversary with my amazing hubby! After that I'm going to start the next book in The Captive Series by Erica Stevens. It is going to be a prequel about Atticus before he was king. I know people are looking forward to William's story, and he will get one, but Atticus has been talking to me for awhile and he's demanding to be heard. His story will answer some questions but it will also be important in the upcoming books in the series. I do plan  a little bit of a treat for everyone at the end of it. ;) I'm not sure if it will be a novella or not, it depends on how it all unfolds!

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